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AEW Dynamite: Blood & Guts Results for May 5, 2021


Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It's Wednesday night and you know what that means!

AEW World Champion & Impact World Champion & AAA Mega Champion Kenny Omega & MT Nakazawa (with Impact’s Don Callis) vs. Jon Moxley & “Mad King” Eddie Kingston!

Prior to the match, Don Callis said Kenny Omega was unable to attend and MT Nakazawa would face Mox and Kingston on his own. Tony Schiavone informed viewers that Callis was lying as he’d seen Omega earlier in the day. As Moxley and Kingston made their way to the ring, Omega rushed them and ambushed them from behind!

Nakazawa and Omega double-teamed Kingston until Moxley made the save. Omega struck with another blindside shot to Moxley, until Moxley countered with a sidewalk slam. Mox followed up with a tope suicida to Nakazawa and Omega on the outside!

“Moxley and Kingston are looking great as a team here,” said Schiavone.

Nakazawa hit a low blow on Kingston while ref Paul Turner was distracted. They worked over Kingston in the corner turnbuckles. Kenny hit a Kotaro Crusher on Eddie Kingston for a near fall! Omega was looking for a brainbuster, but Kingston widened his base to prevent it. Kingston retaliated with stiff knife edged chops to Kenny Omega. Kingston avoided a moonsault and followed up with a big falling clothesline on Omega. Mox and Nakazawa tagged in for their respective teams. Mox stomped a mudhole in Nakazawa. Mox folded Nakazawa in half with a German suplex. He blasted him with a piledriver, and then Omega broke up the pin.

“They want Omega in the match, but Omega seems to be retreating,” said Excalibur.

“He walked out on Nakazawa!” said Schiavone.

Moxley planted Nakazawa with a half and half and then pinned Nakazawa!

The AEW Tag Champs The Young Bucks—Matt and Nick Jackson, distracted Moxley and Kingston when they appeared in the entrance tunnel. The Good Brothers then hit the ring and hit the Magic Killer on Moxley, and then they began to stomp on Kingston. The Bucks served up superkicks on Moxley and Kingston! Omega came back out and hoisted Kingston on his shoulders for the One-Winged Angel! He mockingly pinned Kingston as Nick Jackson counted to three!

Just announced for DOUBLE OR NOTHING on Sunday, May 30th! AEW Women’s Champion Hikaru Shida vs. #1 contender Britt Baker, D.M.D.!

“Grudge Match!”

“The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes (with Arn Anderson) vs. QT Marshall (with The Factory—Aaron Solow, Nick Comoroto, & Anthony Ogogo)!

After fist-bumping The Factory on the entrance ramp, QT walked to the ring on his own.

Cody Rhodes leapt into the ring and blasted him with rapid strikes and then a standing vertical suplex, wasting no time taking the fight to QT! Cody removed his weight belt, but the referee pulled it away from him. QT had a weight belt of his own and whipped Cody with it!

QT Marshall and Cody Rhodes traded shots until Cody had enough and went to QT’s eyes. Cody raked QT’s back! Cody climbed up top, but QT met him up there and brought him down with a double-underhook! QT used a deadlift suplex on Cody!

QT met Cody outside the ring and chopped away at Cody. QT showed Arn Anderson away. “The Enforcer” grabbed QT Marshall by the face and began to grind it on the ring post until AEW officials ran out and pried him off!

“QT Marshall is trying to secure the biggest win of his career, but Cody Rhodes will not go down easily,” said Excalibur.

QT dropped Cody after a high boot. Cody went over the top, looking for a sunset flip, and then finally planted QT with a crisp DDT! Cody hit a moonsault onto QT for a near fall! QT dodged a Disaster Kick and then caught Cody as Cody attempted Cross Rhodes! QT signaled for the diamond cutter, but Cody countered with a backslide! QT picked Cody up and bucklebombed him! Cody reversed a tombstone piledriver, nailed QT, but QT kicked out before the three-count! Cody grabbed Cross Rhodes and connected this time, but QT kicked out!

QT asked for help to get to his feet and Cody assisted him. When QT stood up, he gave the middle finger to Cody! Cody locked on the figure four and made QT submit!

Anthony Ogogo entered the ring and dropped Cody Rhodes with the bolo shot. He then covered up Cody with the Union Jack!

Alex Marvez was backstage to interview “All Ego” Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky!

They said they weren’t afraid of Sting, and they said he’s just a mosquito who they’re going to swat. “I’m the franchise now, bitch,” said Scorpio Sky.

“Darby, why don’t we talk about your medical history. That face paint you wear covers up the dent I put in your forehead,” said Ethan Page.

Darby Allin charged headlong into Ethan Page! Darby climbed up the lighting rig and crashed down onto Ethan Page! Scorpio Sky then jumped on Darby. Ethan Page, with Scorpio Sky’s assistance, threw Darby down the concrete steps of Daily’s Place!

#1 Ranked Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. (with Rebel, not “Reba”) vs. Julia Hart!

Baker kicked Hart in the abdomen. She followed up with the sling blade clothesline. Baker used the air raid crash and then she made Hart submit after the Lockjaw!

Technique by Taz segment was next: Taz examined Christian Cage’s Kill switch in video footage. “After seven years, the honeymoon following Christian’s return is coming to an end,” concluded Taz.

Up next: 4-Way Tag Team Eliminator Match!

(Winner earns a future tag title match!)

#1 ranked SCU—“Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian vs. #2 ranked Jurassic Express—Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus (with Marko Stunt) vs. Varsity Blonds—Brian Pillman, Jr. & Griff Garrison vs. #4 ranked The Acclaimed—Anthony Bowens & “Platinum” Max Caster!

Jungle Boy and Frankie Kazarian locked up at the start of the match. Kaz hit a shoulder tackle on Jungle Boy and rolled him up for a near fall. Max tagged himself in, as did Brian Pillman, Jr. And then everything broke down with all the teams brawling!

The Acclaimed displayed acclaim-worthy tandem offense on Christopher Daniels. Bowens hooked the legs of CD for a close count. Daniels planted Bowens with a backheel trip. Luchasaurus got the blind tag and took out both members of the Acclaimed with tail whips! He choke slammed both members of Varsity Blonds. Luchasaurus sent Kazarian over the top rope with a chokeslam! Jungle Boy tagged in and almost stole the victory over Bowens until Daniels made the save. Pillman used a springboard clothesline for a near fall on Jungle Boy!

Jungle Boy blasted Pillman with a clothesline! Jungle Boy climbed to the top rope but Kazarian tagged himself in and rocked Pillman with a clothesline! Pillman got caught in midair and then Daniels jumped off the top rope with the BME! Kazarian pinned Pillman!

Next week it’ll be SCU vs. the AEW Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks on DYNAMITE!

Tony Schiavone interviewed “The Belt Collector” AEW World Champion Kenny Omega.

“I’ve been a busy man as of late, collecting gold all over the world. And now it’s come to pass, so Tony Schiavone, just go on with the announcement,” said Kenny Omega.

“Next week, in an eliminator match, it’s PAC vs. Orange Cassidy, with the winner facing Kenny Omega at DOUBLE OR NOTHING,” added Tony Schiavone.

Kenny acted as if he’d never heard of Orange Cassidy. “Freshly Squeezed” walked out and stood in Kenny’s face. Omega said someone like Cassidy would never be championship material.

“The only thing championship material about you is something you’ve ripped off from me,” said Omega, as he removed Cassidy’s sunglasses. “You’ll never take this title, but you have taken my valuable time, Orange, and thus I’m taking these sunglasses from you,” said Omega.

Kenny Omega ordered Orange Cassidy to look at him. “When it comes down to the possible match between Orange Cassidy and Kenny Omega, meh, I’ll see you whenever,” he concluded.

Tony Schiavone interviewed “The Best ManMiro!

“I told the world that nobody is going to distract my destiny. I warned the locker room that if you’ve got a title, I’ve got a problem with you. I have a contract here…on the next DYNAMITE, Darby Allin I’m coming for you and the TNT Title. In seven days, the world will find out what happens when the man who doesn’t mind dying meets the man who doesn’t mind killing him!” said Miro.

Main Event Time!

2 Wrestling Rings…Covered by 1 Giant Cage…BLOOD & GUTS!

The Pinnacle—MJF, Wardlow, Shawn Spears, Dax Harwood, Cash Wheeler, with Tully Blanchard vs. Inner Circle—Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, Santana, Ortiz, & Jake Hager!

The Rules:

-Two men start

-After 5 minutes, the 3rd man enters

-The Pinnacle has the advantage

-Match can only end when all competitors have entered the cage

-Match can only end by submission or surrender!

Sammy entered the cage first. Dax was elected by Tully to start for his team by Tully Blanchard. Sammy sprinted across one ring and jumped onto Dax in the second ring! Dax dropped Sammy with a big shoulder tackle. Sammy answered with a dropkick, but Dax came back with a spinebuster.

“This is not a match. This is something else entirely,” said Excalibur.

“You can’t run and hide from anybody,” noted Tony Schiavone.

Harwood climbed up to the top strand and Sammy met him up there. They balanced on the top rope, trading chops. Harwood was knocked down and possibly turned his knee on the landing. Sammy sent Harwood face first into the cage. Harwood was busted open by the chain-link fence! Sammy performed a beautiful double springboard into a cutter on Harwood!

Shawn Spears was next! He entered the cage with a steel chair! Spears propped up the chair in the turnbuckles. Sammy tried to fend off Spears and Harwood until Spears finally waffled Sammy with the steel chair!

“Harwood’s face is a crimson mask,” noted Jim Ross.

Ortiz was in next for the Inner Circle, and he was like a pit bull let off a chain! Ortiz chucked the chair at Harwood! Sammy smashed Spears with a Spanish Fly after bouncing off the top rope of two separate rings!

“This is not a match for the weak of heart,” said Jim Ross.

Cash Wheeler entered the match. Cash ran in to save Dax and then Spears. FTR connected with an assisted brainbuster on Ortiz! Spears ran Sammy into the cage! Spears locked in a sharpshooter on Sammy. The Pinnacle began to dominate here.

Santana entered the fray next!

“Watch this dude fight,” said Jim Ross.

Santana cleaned house on The Pinnacle.

“Bodies everywhere, just like we expected,” said Tony Schiavone.

Wardlow came in and manhandled every member of the Inner Circle. Jake Hager jumped in and tossed FTR around, making a statement! Spears tapped to Hager’s ankle lock, but the match couldn’t end because not everyone had entered the match yet. Wardlow and Hager rocked each other with thunderous strikes! Hager used the cage for leverage and began to knee Wardlow.

MJF was next in the match. He distracted Hager as Wardlow chop blocked Hager. MJF taunted Jericho, who was watching from outside, waiting for his turn to enter BLOOD & GUTS.

“This is literally a fight to the finish,” said Tony Schiavone.

The Pinnacle retreated to one ring and began to beatdown on Santana. Chris Jericho was finally allowed to enter the ring.

“We’re now in the submission or surrender mode, no pinfalls,” said Jim Ross.

Both teams charged and met in the middle! Jericho grabbed “Floyd” the baseball bat.

“It’s all legal,” Jim Ross reminded us.

Spears tried to climb up the cage and Jericho began to choke him on the truss. FTR ripped the canvass off the ring and exposed the wood. Santana and Ortiz held up FTR and with an assist with Sammy, they hit double spiked piledrivers. Jericho connected with the Code Breaker! Sammy went coast to coast, dropkicking the steel chair on the opposite side of the ring that was on Spears’ face! Jericho jacked MJF with the turnbuckle cable! Santana pulled out a fork and gouged MJF with it! Jericho choked Wardlow with the baseball bat! Ortiz grinded Cash Wheeler’s face in the steel cage! Jericho found his mark with a right hand on MJF’s forehead!

“The Inner Circle seem to have the advantage now,” said Excalibur.

Ortiz went “street” and swung the steel chair at Wardlow. Hager rammed into Wardlow with a stiff lariat! MJF escaped to the roof of the cage! Jericho climbed to the top to meet MJF up there!

“MJF thought he escaped!” said Tony Schiavone.

Jericho applied the Walls of Jericho on MJF, but MJF used a heavy-handed low blow to counter Jericho. MJF put on the Salt of the Earth armbar! MJF began to bite Jericho’s hand. MJF pulled out his Dynamite Diamond Ring and found his mark right between Jericho’s eyes!

“If you don’t surrender, I’m throwing Jericho off the top of the cage,” said MJF.

Sammy Guevara pleaded for MJF to stop and said the Inner Circle surrendered!

“The Inner Circle had no choice,” said Excalibur.

MJF then threw Chris Jericho off the top of the cage and down onto the steel ramp!

“Thank you!” smirked a bloodied MJF from the top of the cage!

“He may have ended the career of Chris Jericho here tonight. MJF ascended to the top of the cage, has he ascended to the top of AEW?” asked Excalibur.

Next week!

“Blue Justice” Yuji Nagata returns to TNT for the first time in nearly 23 years to challenge Jon Moxley for the NJPW U.S. Championship! And so much more! Be sure to catch AEW DYNAMITE next Wednesday live on TNT!

Don’t forget AEW DARK: ELEVATION every Monday at 7/6c and AEW DARK every Tuesday at 7/6c on the official AEW YouTube channel!


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